God Chooses Moses

God Chooses Moses

I have a confession! Many of my friends and family have asked me what is a “blog”  when I told them about my new venture!  So, I finally looked it up !  According to Google; “blogging” is “adding new material or regularly updating a blog”!!  Well, what is a “blog” then?  Again, according to Google,  a “blog” is “a regularly updated web page or website ………that is written in an informal or conversational style”!    Now we all know!  OK, some of you already knew that!  I’m just saying, “now, we all know!” Here’s hoping that what I am doing, qualifies as a “blog”!

I hope you are as anxious to get back to Moses as I am!

Joseph was used by God in His plan to save His people  by moving them to Egypt because of  a famine in Canaan.  But, what started out to be a wonderful place for them to live lasted a lot longer than they thought it would! They have been there 400 years now and the freedom to work with their flocks that they had once enjoyed was now gone and they have become slaves and badly mistreated by the Egyptians.  They cry out to God and their cries are heard! (Exodus 2: 25)

Just as Joseph was part of God’s plan, so was the life of Moses! God had saved Moses’ life when he was just a baby.  He grew up as the grandson of a Pharaoh, yet he always felt a kinship with his Hebrew neighbors.  That led to Moses killing an Egyptian that was beating a Hebrew slave. He fled Egypt and we catch up with him in Midian which is part of Saudia Arabia today. 

Moses is found resting at a well in Midian where the daughters of the priest of Midian, were trying to get water for their father’s flock.  When the girls were threaten by some shepherds who were also trying to get water, Moses came to their rescue.  Because of this, their father, Reuel, insisted that Moses join his family.  (Exodus 2: 22)  He married Reuel’s daughter, Zipporah, and  they had a son named, Gershom.

According to The Jeremiah Study Bible (NKJV) by Dr. David Jeremiah; “Moses was 80 years old when he was ready to fulfill the LORD’s calling. No other leader in Biblical times had such a lengthy training period.”  (commentary page 78)

It was on Mount Horeb, (“the mountain of God” Exodus 3: 1b NKJV, also called Sinai), that God spoke to Moses from a burning bush!  Moses will be at Mountain Sinai again “when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain!”(Exodus 3: 12)   This is such a beautiful account of God and how He chooses to approach man, I hope you will read it all in Exodus Chapter 3!  For example, this is where I find  some scriptures that make me so excited to be in HIS Word:

  • Exodus 3: 5 “’Do not come closer’, He said. ‘Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you are standing is  holy ground!”  HCSB
  • Exodus 3: 14 “God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM,”  And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.”  NKJV
  • Exodus 3: 15b “…The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.  This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.” NKJV
  • Exodus 3: 21 “And I will give this people such favor in the sight of the Egyptians, that when you go, you will not go empty-handed.”  HCSB

Moses has all kinds of excuses to hopefully convince God to choose someone else to do this for Him. But God gave Moses sign after sign that He would be with him every step of this path chosen for him. Exodus 4: 1-9

Moses finally came up with enough excuses that God became angry with him! In Exodus 4: 10, “ But Moses replied to the LORD, “ Please, LORD,  I have never been eloquent—either in the past or recently or since You have been speaking to Your servant—because I am slow and hesitant in speech!”  HCSB

Now, God had just spoken to Moses from a burning bush. That should have convinced him that God was capable of whatever He asked him to do!  But, God said He would have Moses brother, Aaron, go with him.  Moses would be the one that would show the signs of God to Pharaoh and Aaron would be the spokesperson for God!  Now, we are not surprised that Aaron is already on his way to see Moses and tell him that it was safe for him to return to Egypt!  (Exodus 4: 11-17)   After all, God knew the entire path from the very beginning!  And I am convinced that if you do not accept the service God has called you to do; that He is able to find someone else that will accept!

Because God’s plan will be accomplished!!!

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