Sometimes the Trail Takes an Unexpected Turn

Sometimes the Trail Takes an Unexpected Turn

I find it so amazing that God’s instructions to Moses were so precise for making the tabernacle and all it’s furnishings.  I have been looking up references in the New Testament which are evident that God was always thinking of His Son and the redemption of His people!  His plan has always been for salvation!  God knew that the Israelites needed somewhere to worship Him. He wanted it to be a sanctuary that would serve to remind them of His faithfulness and His holiness!  Even though they didn’t know it, someday they would see how all of it pointed to their Messiah!  The LORD knew, too, that they were not ready to move into the Promised Land right away.  They had a lot to learn about Him and about living a free life.

I think about the golden calf that they had to have when they thought Moses had deserted them.  God made man in His image and there is this desire to follow and worship… something!!  In Exodus 32 they asked Aaron to make them “gods”. (Verse 1). It had only been a short time since they had been in the very presence of God at Mt Sinai! (Exodus 19)  They had all agreed with God and said, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do it!” Exodus 19:8 NKJV  Short memories are dangerous!  Little faith is even more dangerous!!

I can’t help but see myself in those foolish Israelites! How often have I seen God at work in my life and then forgotten so easily when things changed! I have to admit that I’m not as “forgetful” as I used to be when I was younger!  I guess age does have its advantages!  I can say I have seen and know that God is faithful and no matter what happens, He does make all things work together for good! (Romans 8:28)  Whenever I become discouraged with someone young, I am reminded that I, too, could forget so quickly at that age just what an awesome God He is!!  I hope you will join me in praying for our young people in the world today!  I think I will add to pray for the adults in their lives that they would be given wisdom!

Tomorrow, I want to start talking about the Tabernacle. I, honestly, thought I would be writing about it today!  But, God has not allowed my mind to concentrate on the very thing I have been looking forward to talk about!?  When it is right, I will know. It really is so amazing that I don’t want to feel rushed and perhaps leave any detail out.

Until then, I appreciate you, My Fellow Pilgrims! This road we travel has many twists and turns; many mountains and valleys!  Just keep looking UP and following His leading!

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. ”  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


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